hello again.
Here's to a second blog post! I'm impressed with myself for getting this far. I try to be all tech savvy. and some-how, Im just not. lets hope my techness can improve with time! Flower and nature enthusiasts may enjoy this. I embarked on a floral study in 2011. Inspired much by Robert Mapplethorpe. a photographer famous for his photographs of flowers, and err, some pretty involved nudes. so proceed with caution if your planning to google him. :) haha. But cool flowers non-the-less.
So I shot these guys in studio. black background. nothing fancy. but instead of placing them in a vase, I hung them upside down to keep them from sagging down and keep the stems as straight as possible. they have to stand up straight. and so, I attempted to make a 'flower portrait". these were shot sort of experimentally and over a long period of time. I used a whole lot of different flowers and went out of my way to find some weird and wonderful flowers. 10 buck's if you can name them all correctly. :) haha.
Comments are welcome. lets talk. :) have a great week!
Last question, over sharpened? what do you think? :)
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