Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Isocronous DVD launch

Hi everyone.

Isocronous had their live in Germany DVD launch a few weeks ago at the Atterbury theatre (on Lynwood road - which is ironic.) And I was there to take some photos. great gig. Thanks to vince for getting me in the door :) 

dont have to much to say today. haha 


Monday, 18 June 2012

Klipdrift Gold Iphoneography exhibition

Hey everyone.

I went on assignment for Klipdrift Gold to photograph an Iphoneography exhibition called Hashtag at the Lomography Embassy Store in Braamfontein about 2 weeks ago.
The man behind the Iphone is Roy Potterill and he took some sweet photos around the city to show that night.

Free Klipdrift Gold, An awesome Dj Niffty (he actually used records - non of this digital stuff), Loads of different individuals and some great Images on the walls to look at!

Just so we all know, I realize Im not the greatest writer. which is explains why Im not a writer, Im a photographer. So excuse the crappy writing. Enjoy the photos!


Saturday, 16 June 2012

SP en Rina

Finally I have gotten around to sitting at the computer and writing a few of  these guys. Things have been going pretty hectic around here lately so today Im posting a few blogs to show you what Ive been up too.

A few weeks ago around Mothers day, I met up with a nice elderly couple. Sp en Rina. Or as I would say, Oom Sp en Tannie Rina. We shot around their house and I learned quite a bit about them, for instance Oom Sp owns a huge Motorcycle which they use to travel around the country with. too cool!

anyway, it was great to meet these two wonderful people as well as an honor to photograph them. heres  a couple of shots from that day :)

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Memorial Service of Minister Roy Padayachie (Hamba Kahle)

Sorry I haven't posted a blog in some time, things have been so busy I have much to catch you all up on. Therefore I decided to start with the bad news first.

About a week ago I got a phone call at 10.30. A friendly ladies voice on the other side greets and quickly introduces herself. so quick that I still wasn't sure who was on the other side of the phone. She said she needed me to go photograph an event and its starting at 11.00 at Pretoria City hall. So without really thinking I grabbed my stuff and rushed to get there in time to follow the orders of the Unknown caller.

and so I ended up photographing the memorial service for Mr Roy Padayachie. I didn't know him personally but from what everyone at the service was saying, he seemed to be quite the legendary man. The service ended  with food and drinks for all the guests to celebrate a mans life.

As for the Unknown caller. She turned out to be a real friendly lady.  :)

Pretoria City hall - huge!

Daughter of the late Roy Padayachie

Some Ministers and Co-workers of RP

One of the Chefs sporting a cool ANC hat! 

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

A photograph taken at the Union buildings in PTA. ;)

Dullstroom: A quiet little drinking town with a fishing problem.

hello Almal.

I know its been a while. I have been a lazy blogger but I am back again! A few weeks ago we went to Dullstroom with some of Lio's (my beautiful girlfriend) family. Her uncle, Johann, is a professional deep-sea fisherman and his fishing club has access to a private trout farm and we stayed there for a weekend. A small little stone housey in the middle of nowhere. There is no electricity so we used oil lamps for light and fridges, stoves are run on gas and there was a massive fireplace. (okay okay, there was a generator which ran like 4 lights in the house but that's it!)
Its just oh so beautiful and peaceful there we didn't want to leave when the weekend was over.

Other than that ,some trout were caught, some trout was smoked, and lots of food and drinks were shared with lovely people. oh and we checked out the town and chased a rainbow! :)

I have a few more blogs lined up for some other things Ive been up to lately so keep an eye out! ;)

greetings and salutaions,

Johann- the fisherman!

The Awesome-st rainbow ever.!

The ladies. I was again the only male.

Chinese gun running! haha. - taken in Dullstrooms China shop

Not a great pic but I had to add it! how freaken weird are these plastic feet. gotta love the chinese - taken in Dullstrooms china shop!

The Smoked trout. he doesnt look to delicious now but once he was flaked into some scrambled eggs for a fishy breakfast. soo goood! :)

The Beautiful Lio doing stuff in the kitchen

some avo's on a plate.